We have moved on to New Hampshire near the town of Gorham. The White Birch campground sits under the shadow of Mount Washington and literally has part of the Appalachian Trail pass thru the property. This is the northern end of the White Mountain region with the whole northern area referred to as The Grand North.
The original industry in this area is still in evidence. At one time this was the primary supplier of all paper for the USA. Today its main industry after tourism remains the lumber and paper industry.
We spent the afternoon hanging around the campground, since Halley seems to have hurt a paw while we were walking in the woods. So she is taking it easy and we will see how she feels in the AM.
We hope to explore this area over the next several days between forecast storms.
Sure hope Halley's foot is much better tomorrow.
I bet all those paper mills are good for freshening the air.
Hope Halley is okay, she looks so happy on Anneke's lap she might prolong her recovery on purpose!
Poor Halley and her paw. Harley sends her kisses, sniffs and tail wags. :)
Hope Halley is better quickly. What a perfect opportunity to take her for a walk and be able to brag that you did part of the Appalachian Trail :)
It looks so beautiful and cool there. I hope Halley's paw is better. I had to soak my Maggie's paw in Epsom Salts 2 or 3 times a day for about a week when she got an infection. She looks comfortable on your lap though!
sure hope Halley's paw is better soon...there are trees adn bushes to smell and trails to run on!..time's a wastin'!!
Sure hope the pup's paw is better in the a.m. so she's not subjected to the terrible Dr.'s office...!!! Nobody likes to go there!
The countryside sure looks beautiful in that area. Hope Halley's foot is feeling better.
Looks beautiful there!
Sorry to read that Halley had a sore paw. Glad the ice seemed to have helped.
The train ride looked exciting.
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