Another Thanksgiving has arrived. This year is the first time that we will be spending it with only each other. Looking back through our pictures, two things became clear, we always seemed to have a good time with friends and family and apparently we did not take many pictures of these events.
We have celebrated this day in many places and ways over the years. We spent a number of years returning to where I grew up to spend the holiday with my parents and siblings. It was also deer season and I spent many a day in the field with my father and brother. While I seem to have more pictures of the deer than the holiday, Anneke has rejected these as potential blog posts.
Some Thanksgivings were spent in motorhomes and in the four years we lived in the Netherlands, we were able to spend the holiday with Anneke’s family
This year we had the option of attending the largest event ever, in the form of a gathering of the entire campground or just us, so either way it is a new first.
We hope that you all are where you wish to be on this day and we wish you all a happy and safe Holiday.