The last week has been spent in Navarre Beach, FL for the Christmas Holiday. The campground is literally right on the sound and in sight of the Gulf of Mexico. We have finally experienced a regular weather pattern with warm sunny days mixed with cold, rainy and windy days. Still not bad for the end of December.
This has been another good holiday, as we were able to spend it again with two of our children and Heather’s husband, Ryan. In this way we can extend a little longer our family holiday traditions. One of those is the preparation (and eating) of a special German style Christmas cookie that was a specialty of my mother. It is an all hands process for the finishing touches.
While the exchange of gifts is always a fun event, the real value is in the opportunity to spend time together and catch up on what everyone has been up too. It also a time to have some laughs and let the competition flow in various games. Since Ryan is a master of electronic matters, that means playing the latest Xbox360, Wii and other games.
The only problem experienced was my chipping a tooth on Christmas day, but I was able to have it repaired quickly today at an excellent local facility. I can only hope this will be the only negative event this trip.
It is always over too soon and Katie has to leave tomorrow for Las Vegas and Air Force duties. The good news is we will be in Vegas by the middle of February, if all goes according to plan.
We are looking forward to spending New Year’s in the area and also meeting up with our Friends, the Ryan’s, who should be arriving by motorhome in a few days.