Before I start my latest tale, I want to mention that I have been reading a number of blogs concerning the art of blogging and have been very interested in the give and take on the subject. I started this blog when we went full time almost four years ago to keep the family informed about what we were up to. Since then, I have found many people are reading the blog but never comment or mention that they have read it until it just happens to come up in passing.
I have avoided, I hope, some of the things that seem to be common complaints, like a litany of my daily regimen or even most of the trials and tribulations of the RV life. I started this as a log of our adventures and hopefully pointing out the many great places in this country to experience.
I only recently began to even think about what a reader might want. I was truly writing for myself. I also realize that I have not paid enough attention to the blogging process. Until this discussion of blogs, I had hardly noticed the followers list. So, belatedly I want to thank those who have joined the list, like other writers, I like to know that someone is actually reading them.
While I have been reading many blogs and occasionally commenting on them, I never thought about becoming a follower until recently. Perhaps the way I read them has led me down this path. I gather the blogs in the Google reader and read any new posts in that sterilized format, only occasionally going to the blog site.
I hope all this leads to a better blog.
Now back to the journey. After nearly six weeks of rallies, we are back on the solo trail. Leaving Forest City, Iowa, we are heading west towards Colorado Springs. On the way to our first stop, we were starkly reminded of the things that can go wrong on the road and in life. As we were transitioning from interstate to another, we rounded a curve to find a flagger frantically trying to stop traffic. Coming to a stop without contacting any of the four wheelers skidding around, we witnessed the results of poor judgment on the roadway.
A life flight helicopter settled onto the highway a few yards in front of us to retrieve the rider of a motorcycle who took the turn way to fast and landed in a very deep ditch. We had seen him and his fellow riders flying past us at around 75 MPH a short time before. While that was the posted speed limit, this was a very tight curve with warning signs. Apparently, he failed to heed the warning. The good news, he needed the helicopter and not the wagon. It was also a good reminder for the rest of us to pay attention and try to use some common sense out there.
We are thankful that we have arrived safe and sound in a pleasant campground in Waco, Nebraska.