The last few days have been spent relaxing and visiting and hiking in some nature areas. We visited the White Water Wash preserve, the Patagonia Preserve, Fairbanks Historic Town Sight and San Pedro Riparian area, and finally the birding area of the Holy Trinity Monastery.
The sights included some of the largest and oldest Fremont Cottonwood trees in the world, deer, creeks with actual water in them, and lots of birds. There are literally tens of thousands of Sand Hill Cranes using the White Water Basin and they darken the sky as they come and go at dawn and sunset. Also, a town just 20 miles from Tombstone that was not too tough to die, and has left very little left to show it was there.
It has been great weather for hiking along trails and observing the wildlife and desert and grassland environments. We also made one more visit to Tombstone to see the Boot Hill Cemetery, where many of the infamous and just forgotten of the hay day years of Tombstone are buried.
Despite our extended stay in the southwest, we have not yet become immune to the wide vistas and stunning sunsets. I still have to spend at least a short period every evening staring at the vast and intense night sky with the stars that are as bright and clear as they appear many miles to sea, far from the lights of civilization. It also helps that we are far removed from the winter blasts that are hitting hard back home. There is something definitely to be said for being able to take your home to any place that strikes your fancy.