Snowy Range Pass

Snowy Range Pass

Monday, August 26, 2019

Mary Jane Thurston State Park, Grand Rapids, Ohio

24 June 2019

Grand Rapids, Ohio has its name from the rapids on the Maumee River.  The Maumee River was an important transportation route during the early development of this part of Ohio.  The rapids presented an obstacle to the river boats heading north and south to Lake Erie areas.  A lock system was built to allow the cargo boats to travel around the rapids.  Today you can still see parts of the canal system.

Just south of the rapids is the Mary Jane Thurston State Park, where we spent one night.  There was evidence of recent flooding, but we had a reasonably dry site on the Maumee River.  It proved to be a gorgeous evening to watch the sunset. 

Halley took it all in stride.

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