27 June 2019
leaving The White-Water Canal site we decided to visit the Medora Covered Bridge. This is the longest covered bridge in the
USA. It looked like an easy short ride
on highways. We plugged it into the GPS
and headed out. After just a few miles,
we saw a sign stating road closed ahead.
We could see down the road that was indeed a road closed sign. So, we took a left turn on a smaller road in
this rural farm area. The GPS quickly recalculated
and started giving advice.
At first it
was OK; we were driving thru paved scenic farmland on numbered county roads. After a couple turns, it took us on a gravel
road. Now, we normally avoid these roads
but thought it would be ok.
After several more of these turns, we ended up
on a very small gravel and dirt road.
There was really no place to turn around safely, so we pressed on until
we reached a very small and old bridge with a 3-ton weight limit.
We were
stuck. After looking over the bridge, I
crossed it smartly without any drama and we continued this rough road but now
with flooded fields on both sides. Some
part of the road had standing water, finally, we reached the main road, where
we could see the bridge.
After the
bridge visit, we saw several closed road signs, but cars were just going pass
them. It turned out that the closed road
signs were for flooded roads from previous heavy rains. Apparently, they do not take these signs down
or cover them when not needed.