Since Judy asked, here is the Anthem of the Coast Guard.. The site provides the words and some song history.
Click on the current song audio file to hear the music.
15 hours ago
Thanks, Chuck. I enjoyed reading the words and recognized the tune.
And, I love seeing the ships and knowing the folks who were on them. Thanks for your service!
Know the tune very well. Lovely!
I heard the Coast Guard anthem played and sung at the patriotic concert that we went to on July 3 in Astoria, OR. Hearing all the service hymns always give me goose bumps. I love it when those who have served stand up for their song! Dave served in the air force.
We were in Newport, RI on a mid patrol liberty break hanging out at a piano bar with a lady that played and sang.
She started in to all the service hymns. When she was finished, we said "What about the Coast Guard"?, wherein she started on Semper Paratus and sang all three verses. I didn't even know there were three verses...
Thanks, Chuck. I'd never heard that one before.
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