We continue to spend time with our new grandchild and adjusting to sitting in one place for an extended period of time. This fixed life has a number of advantages, such as very fast internet, cable TV with Netflix and recording features, which means never watching commercials. These things have been added to my wish list whenever we give up the RV travel lifestyle.
The Naval Live Oaks area of the Gulf Islands national Seashore explores a fascinating part of our naval history. Early in the start of this country, the live oak tree was a vital part of the construction of our navy. These particular trees were the best source of lumber for building war vessels. The newly formed government recognized the importance of these trees and established federal lands to grow and preserve them for national defense. In the early 1800’s, a survey of these lands showed that large portion of the trees had been stolen and the lumber sent overseas, while live oaks not on federal land had been destroyed to develop cotton fields. The government acted quickly to protect this resource by establishing the first tree farm. This was, perhaps, the first recognition of the need for preservation of natural resources.
The visitor’s center has a small display outlining the importance of conservation and protecting our resources. There are also hiking trails and access to the nearby inter-coastal waterway. After a quick stop here, we toured Pensacola Beach to check out the activity on Presidents day weekend and the prelude to the crowds during spring break.
On the home front, needed daily chores including dog washing and admiring Victoria occupy our time.
Naval history can be interesting and your photos were very nice, but Victoria is absolutely gorgeous!
Victoria sure is a beautiful little baby.
One only has to see Ireland, which was once heavily forested, to understand what can happen when huge tracts are clear cut. The English took the trees to build the Royal Navy, and you can barely find a decent looking tree in the whole country.
Victoria is a beautiful granddaughter. I am glad you've had time to enjoy.
Enjoyed the fact history of the oaks and their use in the early days.
Take care!
You have a very beautiful granddaughter - it's going to be tough to leave her when it's time for you to move on!
Interesting story about the oak trees and building warships.
Nothing like nice clean pups either!
Victoria is a beautiful grandaughter!!..cherish the time with her..they are only little for a short time!!!
Victoria is beautiful! Thanks for the history too, that was great. We just left the National Seashore ourselves and really enjoyed our stay there.
Wow, Victoria looks like such a happy little baby. Such a nice smile on her.
It's a real chore for us to give Whiskey a bath. She hates them even more as she has gotten older.
Kevin and Ruth
Live oaks were used in the ship building industry in Mississippi as well.
Is that a dimple I see on Victoria's cute little face? She is going to be a heart breaker for sure. :)
Victoria is one beautiful little girl. Think of all the fun you're going to have in the coming years spoiling her rotten! It's what grandparents are supposed to do. :c)
Thanks for the history lesson, very interesting, I'm a history buff and a Naval connection makes it even more real.
We know you're enjoying the time with that grandbaby=she is a beauty!
Robert enjoyed learning about the use of the oaks when we visited Gulf Islands National Seashore. He was in the Navy and thought that was really interesting.
Now, there's only one word I can think of to describe little Victoria...♥Angel♥
That last picture is just the cutest ever!
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