30 November 2006
The campground got one last shot at us. In the pouring rain, we hooked up the toad and started out, only to find that the narrow and twisting road downstream of the assigned “Big Rig” spot was not able to handle the combined length of the vehicles and so we had to disconnect the toad and actually go to the entrance road to hook back up. Yep-still in the rain.
Today, we also completed our second transit within three days of the Atlanta highway system. If you have made this journey, I need say no more. If you have not made this journey at rush hour, I am at a loss for words to explain how entertaining it is.
We are now overnighting in Montgomery, AL. When we checked in we received a lot of weather related information concerning what to do if???
So checking the weather channels and internet, we caught up on the huge storm heading north to remind everyone that winter in already here in many places. It looks like we might get lucky here and just get some high winds and hopefully non-damaging thunderstorms. We arrived here on the day that tied the record for high temperature that was set in 1929. We enjoyed the 79 degrees and sat in the shadow of the motorhome and enjoyed a pleasant sunset that will be the last with these temperatures for perhaps months to come in this area.