29 February 2008
We left Las Vegas on Monday and headed NW to Pahrump for a few weeks. While we did not get to do all the things we had in mind, our primary purpose for being in Las Vegas was to spend time with our daughter. I am glad to say that was very successful and we had a great time visiting. Katie is now living in a three bedroom home without roommates and this has been likely made possible by the poor housing market gripping the country. To our surprise she has actually started to cook and we spent very pleasant evenings just visiting at her home.
Nellis Air Force Base was hosting a “Red Flag” during our stay, which is an international air training program involving air craft from many countries that come and participate in this air combat training. The good thing about that this is the ability to see the many aircraft taking part in the event. The bad thing is to hear the many aircraft taking part in the event. The noise, at times, was deafening. As always, you have to think of it as the sound of freedom, assuming you can think at all in all that thunder.
Since Anneke is still limping around, I broke down and used the military senior officer “handicap” parking spot for shopping on base. Normally I do not do so, saving those spots for the active duty folks.
We are now settled in the Charleston Peak RV Resort and winery, which obviously has some attraction for us. The weather is proving to be marvelous and many folks are in the pool. Looks like spring is well on the way here.
Daar ben je al met al nog een heel poosje "zoet" met die enkel. Zou massage niet helpen ? las laatst op de site van een kennis over Kinesio taping, zij is hardloopster en heeft al bij verschillende collega-lopers heel goede resultaten geboekt.
Wij hadden hier laatst zowaar 2 straaljagers overvliegen en in diezelfde week nog eens 7 helikopters op een rij. Dat maakt inderdaad een behoorlijk geluid maar heel imposant om te zien.
Groetjes !
Dat ziet er erg gezellig uit, bij jullie dochter thuis.
Hoop dat die enkel nu snel gaat genezen, want dat is natuurlijk erg lastig.
Misschien even in laten tapen??
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