We have completed one full week of taking care of Victoria while her mother returns to her teaching duties. It has been a bit of a shock to our systems, rising early every morning and getting organized and heading to their house. The hours are long and we are busy with all the usual activities associated with infant care and maintaining the household during the day. Anneke also prepares the evening meal for everyone, so it makes for a long day.
The good part is that we spend a lot of time with Victoria. Now I know that all grandparents think their grand kids are great, but she really has been an easy child to take care of. She fortunately has no problems and is a happy kid. That makes the “job” a lot easier and fun.
Of course, there are the added duties of watching over the three dogs-Halley, Zoey, and Bella. Let’s not forget Abby, the obnoxious cat and the very quiet rabbit-Dusty, and finally two tanks full of fish.
While it still is a ways off, we have started some planning for our return to traveling. We already have changed our master plan. We had been thinking on heading west, which was our plan for the winter before Victoria appeared on the scene. After thinking about that for awhile, this no longer appeals to us. So now we will be heading north taking in some of the sights in the areas that we have blown by or missed in the last four years. Going west again would have involved traveling through many places we would have already spent quite some time. The summer months would have included a great deal of hot weather and storms.
While we have no firm plans, we will first stop for the balloon festival in northern Alabama and then maybe some time in Arkansas and Missouri. Following that, we are thinking the far northeast?
We will have to do some serious study of what there is to see and do. We have never even taken a vacation in that corner of the USA, so it will be definitely something new.